Powerpoint Slideshow Shortcut Help

Powerpoint is the presentation application of the Microsoft Office suite.
We are using the latest Office 365 version of Powerpoint, but these shortcuts will work in pretty much all versions.
A Powerpoint presentation is usually viewed as a slideshow, which guides us on a specific path through the information presented.
Over the past few months, we have been covering shortcuts that you can use during a Powerpoint presentation. Next week, we will move onto creating Powerpoint slideshows without the mouse. But here’s one last handy slideshow shortcut…
If you need to check a particular shortcut during a slideshow, press F1 to get a list of all the shortcuts. Press Control + Tab to move between the different lists, from General shortcuts to Ink/Laser Pointer shortcuts. Tab to OK and press Enter when finished.
If you are a screen reader user, you will only be able to read the lists in this dialogue box using the review cursor (JAWS cursor). But you can:
Follow this link for a list of all the shortcuts in Powerpoint slideshows.

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