Powerpoint is the presentation application of the Microsoft Office suite.
We are using the latest Office 365 version of Powerpoint, but these shortcuts will work in pretty much all versions.
A Powerpoint presentation is usually viewed as a slideshow, which guides us on a specific path through the information presented.
Over the past few months, we have been covering shortcuts that you can use during a Powerpoint presentation. Next week, we will move onto creating Powerpoint slideshows without the mouse. But here’s one last handy slideshow shortcut…
If you need to check a particular shortcut during a slideshow, press F1 to get a list of all the shortcuts. Press Control + Tab to move between the different lists, from General shortcuts to Ink/Laser Pointer shortcuts. Tab to OK and press Enter when finished.
If you are a screen reader user, you will only be able to read the lists in this dialogue box using the review cursor (JAWS cursor). But you can:
Follow this link for a list of all the shortcuts in Powerpoint slideshows.
Powerpoint Slideshow Shortcut Help
posted in: Powerpoint Shortcuts, Shortcut of the Week
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