Open or Close the Start Menu

Just pressing the Windows key will bring up the Start Menu.
Pressing it again will close the Start Menu.
The Windows key is also known as, the Windows Logo Key, the Start Button or even the Super Key!
When you first press the Windows key, it brings you to a search box.
Here you can start typing the name of the application you want to open, or part of a filename or folder on your machine, or even start a web search.
Once you start typing, you will get a list of suggestions, usually based on recent choices of application, or recent files that were opened.
Then you can just press Enter, if Windows guessed rightly. Or Arrow Down through the suggestions and press Enter on the one you want.
I usually find that I just have to type two letters (such as O U for Outlook) and it gets it right every time.
I also use the Windows key to wake up my laptop or check my keyboard is working by pressing it a couple of times.
If you don’t have a Windows key on your keyboard, press Control + Escape for the Start Menu.

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