Editing Cells in a Spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel

To start entering information into an Excel spreadsheet, just Arrow to a cell and start typing. Press Enter or Tab when finished, or Escape to cancel.
By default, pressing Enter will accept the information and move to the cell directly below. Whereas, pressing Tab will accept the information and move to the cell directly to the right.
If you want to go back and edit a cell, Arrow to the cell and press F2. You can then edit the cell contents in the same way as you would edit a line of text (Arrow left and right to move between characters, press the Home key for the beginning of the cell contents and the End key to go to the end, etc). Press Enter or Tab when finished, or Escape to cancel.
Note: In the Advanced Excel options, you can change the behaviour of the Enter key when entering/editing cells. Although, we think it is probably best to stick with default.

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