Creating and Accessing Taskbar and Desktop Shortcuts for Word App

You can create a Word shortcut on the Desktop or “pin” Word to the Taskbar, to make it easier to open the Word app
To pin to Taskbar, press Windows key, start typing “Word” til you hear/see Word App, then press Applications key, or Shift + F10, for the context menu. Arrow down to Pin to Taskbar and press Enter.
Then you can access the Word app by pressing Windows key + T, Arrow to Word app and press Enter.
To add a shortcut to the Desktop, press Windows key, start typing “Word” til you hear/see Word App, then press Applications key, or Shift + F10, for the context menu. Arrow down to Open file location and press Enter. Then press Control + C to Copy the Word shortcut, press Windows + D for the Desktop, and press Control + V to paste the shortcut.
Then you can access the Word app by pressing Windows + D for the Desktop, then press the letter W until you get to the Word icon, then press Enter.

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