Colour Filters

The Colour Filters tool in Windows is an accessibility feature designed to adjust the color palette on your screen, so you can easily distinguish between items. It has several settings designed for specific kinds of color blindness such as, deuteranopia (difficulty seeing greens), protanopia (difficulty seeing reds), tritanopia (difficulty seeing blues) and achromatopsia (no colour perception).
You can set up your preferred colour filter in the settings. These include:

  • Red-green (green weak, deuteranopia)
  • Red-green (red weak, protanopia)
  • Blue-yellow (tritanopia)
  • Grayscale
  • Grayscale Inverted
  • Inverted

Press Windows + U to go directly to the Accessibility settings and Tab to the list. Arrow down to Colour Filters and press Enter. Tab through the settings, pressing Spacebar to switch on Colour Filters and using Arrows then Spacebar to choose the relevant filter. Also remember to switch on the keyboard shortcut in these settings!
Then, to switch colour filters on and off, press Windows + Control + C.

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