Changing the Font on Powerpoint Slides

By default, the font on Powerpoint slides is Calibri.
You can change the font by pressing Control + Shift + F.
The font can be changed in this way for a whole placeholder (Title, Subtitle, Content, etc) or it can be changed within a placeholder (select specific text first by holding down the Shift key and using the Arrow keys).
When you press Control + Shift + F, a Font dialogue box opens and you can tab around the different aspects of the text and choose options.
Text Font is the first option you come to when you press Tab in this dialogue.
Use the Up and Down Arrow keys to move between font types. You can also start typing the font name, if you know it, and move down the list faster. Press Enter to choose your font, and then Enter again to close the Font Dialogue accepting the changes.
You can always press Escape to get out of the Font dialogue and Control + Z to undo the font changes, if you need.
The Control + Shift + F shortcut for Font dialogue also works in other Microsoft applications like Word.

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